The Dream Book 2023

Whatever gift you decide to give,
it’s really all about joy this holiday season.

Give a toy. A poster. A stuffed animal. A television. A picnic table. Outdoor games. A family dinner. A backyard makeover. An outdoor playset. Or even, a Dream come true. There are so many to choose from. Gifts that will mean the world to a child with a life-threatening illness, especially now, during the holiday season.

This is why we created The Dream Book - The Dream Factory’s Holiday Gift Guide. It’s filled with the dreams of children who—despite everything—still dream big. And this holiday season, you have the power to make their dreams come true.

Whatever gift you decide to give, it’s really all about joy this holiday season. For the children who want to dream. And for you.

This Holiday Season, your compassion will go even further for kids with life-threatening illnesses and their families, thanks to our friends at Bonafide Construction Solutions Ltd! They have generously committed to matching all Dream Book purchases from caring supporters like you up to $30,000. That means your special holiday gift will be DOUBLED and will do more good for kids who love to dream BIG!

We recently visited the Bonafide office with Dream Kid James to celebrate the launch of the Dream Book! James was the life of the party - he encouraged everyone to share some pizza, played catch, and even did some dancing! While James was visiting with the team, his family shared a little bit about their experience with The Dream Factory. It was a heartwarming afternoon!

Shop now to help bring more Dreams to life this holiday season!

Ryan Haughey