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Kayne is Dreaming about his very own play structure.


meet kayne:

This is Kayne, making the best of one of his many hospital stays. He’s been through so much. You can help make his dream of a backyard playset come true.

Pictured: Kayne has been through so much. But he continues to smile.

Pictured: Kayne has been through so much. But he continues to smile.

Many kids like Kayne are waiting for their dreams to be fulfilled. In fact, we have to fulfill nearly half of all the dreams for 2021 in the next three months. That’s not a lot of time. Your help is urgently needed. And that’s not all — not only do we have new dreams to fulfill, we also need to catch up on fulfilling the dreams that were put off because of COVID-19.

So please, help us make this summer one to remember. Your generous gift will help us reach this extraordinary goal, as well as sustain the other life-changing programs and services at The Dream Factory. Please, give now.

Thank you for helping to make Kayne’s Dream a reality!